Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I always looked for the little atomic symbol on the spine

As someone who ate up speculative fiction as a kid, I love this announcement from the newly designed SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) site:

AboutSF works to match donors with places that cater to young people, the future generation of science fiction readers. You can donate or receive books and magazine subscriptions. Suggest the following as a recipient if you would like to see them get books and magazines:

A school librarian.

A public librarian.

A youth center director or volunteer.

Your local school library or other youth organization.

An individual 17 or younger who would like a free SF novel or magazine subscription.

Is that not great? You can list your library or youth organization, and a SF writer or reader might send books to you, just because. And if you are such a writer or reader, DONATE to the list.

Hey, Guys Lit Wire Book Fair for Boys! Don't you want to be on this list? (And if you run a book fair for girls, them, too, of course!)

P.S. All four of us in my family finished Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? We can now use kipple correctly in a sentence.

1 comment:

  1. I am LOVING their website update. It is GORGEOUS. And what a cool thing to find!!


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